
Hi, I am Akshat Bagla. I am a Photographer/Videographer based in New York City. Specializing in street and travel photography, I also shoot a lot of studio portraits and conceptual high contrast black and white photography. 

In my travel photography, I intend to experience everything the country has to offer, to capture the true essence of the culture through immersing myself in the local community and following my passion toward the area’s cuisine and culture. 

Using my style of high contrast black and white photography and the experience I have gained working with my fellow photographers, I have started conceptual art projects like “ Altered ” and “ 277 ” which are currently a work in progress. 

Being influenced by cinema ever since I was a kid, it has shaped a lot of choices and decisions I make in the creative process.
When I’m not a photographer, I’m a Food lover, Amateur cook, sports fan, adventurer and music lover.